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Simple multi-dimensional Array class in C++11


The new version of the code can be reviewed in Simple multi-dimensional Array class in C++11 - follow-up.

The following code implements a simple multi-dimensional array class (hyper_array::array).

I modeled most (if not all) the feature on the orca_array.hpp header by Pramod Gupta after watching his talk at this year's cppcon.

I think that orca_array is fine. However, a more generic implementation might prove interesting as well (e.g. reducing code repetition, gaining more efficiency through compile-time computations/verification and allowing more dimensions (even though the relevance of the latter feature is debatable)).

The element type and the number of dimensions is given at compile-time. The length along each dimension is specified at run-time.

As a start, there are 2 configuration options:

  • HYPER_ARRAY_CONFIG_Check_Bounds: controls run-time checking of index bounds,
  • HYPER_ARRAY_CONFIG_Overload_Stream_Operator: enables/disables the overloading of operator<<(std::ostream&, const hyper_array::array&).

The implementation requires some C++11 features and uses very basic template (meta)programming and constexpr computation when possible.

I have mainly the following goals:

  • Self-contained (no dependency to external libraries), single-header implementation
  • Minimal code repetition (if any) and clarity/"readability" of implementation
  • Conforming to "good" programming practices in modern C++ while developing a solution that might prove interesting to use for others
  • Clean API "that makes sense" to the user
  • As much compile-time computation/evaluation/input validation as possible (template-metaprogramming, constexpr?)
  • Maximum efficiency while remaining written in standard C++11 (I made an exception once for std::make_unique(), but I'll probably remove it),
  • Allow inclusion in STL containers while still being efficient

My current concerns are:

  • I'm sure that many computations could be done and for loops could be unwound at compile time, but I haven't wrapped my head around template metaprogramming yet to come up with an appropriate solution,
  • Performance,
  • The API: it's still very basic, but I'm open to suggestions for making it more relevant (orca_array was just my starting point).

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#pragma once// make sure that -std=c++11 or -std=c++14 ... is enabled in case of clang and gcc#if (__cplusplus < 201103L)  // C++11 ?    #error "hyper_array requires a C++11-capable compiler"#endif// <editor-fold desc="Configuration">#ifndef HYPER_ARRAY_CONFIG_Check_Bounds/// Enables/disables run-time validation of indices in methods like [hyper_array::array::at()](@ref hyper_array::array::at())/// This setting can be overridden by defining `HYPER_ARRAY_CONFIG_Check_Bounds` before the inclusion/// of this header or in the compiler arguments (e.g. `-DHYPER_ARRAY_CONFIG_Check_Bounds=0` in gcc and clang)#define HYPER_ARRAY_CONFIG_Check_Bounds 1#endif#ifndef HYPER_ARRAY_CONFIG_Overload_Stream_Operator/// Enables/disables `operator<<()` overloading for hyper_array::array#define HYPER_ARRAY_CONFIG_Overload_Stream_Operator 1#endif// </editor-fold>// <editor-fold desc="Includes">// std//#include <algorithm>  // used during dev, replaced by compile-time equivalents in hyper_array::internal#include <array>        // std::array for hyper_array::array::dimensionLengths and indexCoeffs#include <memory>       // unique_ptr for hyper_array::array::_dataOwner#if HYPER_ARRAY_CONFIG_Overload_Stream_Operator#include <ostream>      // ostream for the overloaded operator<<()#endif#if HYPER_ARRAY_CONFIG_Check_Bounds#include <sstream>      // stringstream in hyper_array::array::validateIndexRanges()#endif#include <type_traits>  // template metaprogramming stuff in hyper_array::internal// </editor-fold>/// The hyper_array lib's namespacenamespace hyper_array{// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Internal Helper Blocks">/// Helper functions for hyper_array::array's implementation/// @note Everything related to this namespace is subject to change and must not be used by user codenamespace internal{    /// Checks that all the template arguments are integral types using `std::is_integral`    template <typename T, typename... Ts>    struct are_integral    : std::integral_constant<bool,                             std::is_integral<T>::value&& are_integral<Ts...>::value>    {};    template <typename T>    struct are_integral<T>    : std::is_integral<T>    {};    /// Compile-time sum    template <typename T>    constexpr T ct_plus(const T x, const T y)    {        return x + y;    }    /// Compile-time product    template <typename T>    constexpr T ct_prod(const T x, const T y)    {        return x * y;    }    /// Compile-time equivalent to `std::accumulate()`    template<        typename    T,  ///< result type        std::size_t N,  ///< length of the array        typename    O   ///< type of the binary operation>    constexpr T ct_accumulate(const ::std::array<T, N>& arr,  ///< accumulate from this array                              const size_t first,             ///< starting from this position                              const size_t length,            ///< accumulate this number of elements                              const T      initialValue,      ///< let this be the accumulator's initial value                              const O&     op                 ///< use this binary operation                             )    {        // https://stackoverflow.com/a/33158265/865719        return (first < (first + length))             ? op(arr[first],                  ct_accumulate(arr,                                first + 1,                                length - 1,                                initialValue,                                op))             : initialValue;    }    /// Compile-time equivalent to `std::inner_product()`    template<        typename T,      ///< the result type        typename T_1,    ///< first array's type        size_t   N_1,    ///< length of the first array        typename T_2,    ///< second array's type        size_t   N_2,    ///< length of the second array        typename O_SUM,  ///< summation operation's type        typename O_PROD  ///< multiplication operation's type>    constexpr T ct_inner_product(const ::std::array<T_1, N_1>& arr_1,  ///< perform the inner product of this array                                 const size_t  first_1,                ///< from this position                                 const ::std::array<T_2, N_2>& arr_2,  ///< with this array                                 const size_t  first_2,                ///< from this position                                 const size_t  length,                 ///< using this many elements from both arrays                                 const T       initialValue,           ///< let this be the summation's initial value                                 const O_SUM&  op_sum,                 ///< use this as the summation operator                                 const O_PROD& op_prod                 ///< use this as the multiplication operator                                )    {        // same logic as `ct_accumulate()`        return (first_1 < (first_1 + length))             ? op_sum(op_prod(arr_1[first_1], arr_2[first_2]),                      ct_inner_product(arr_1, first_1 + 1,                                       arr_2, first_2 + 1,                                       length - 1,                                       initialValue,                                       op_sum, op_prod))             : initialValue;    }}// </editor-fold>/// A multi-dimensional array/// Inspired by [orca_array](https://github.com/astrobiology/orca_array)template<    typename ElementType,  ///< elements' type    size_t   Dimensions    ///< number of dimensions>class array{    // Types ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////public:    using SizeType  = size_t;  ///< used for measuring sizes and lengths    using IndexType = size_t;  ///< used for indices    // Attributes //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////    // <editor-fold desc="Static Attributes">public:    static constexpr SizeType dimensions = Dimensions;    // </editor-fold>    // <editor-fold desc="Class Attributes">public:    // ::std::array's are used  here mainly because they are initializable    // from `std::initialzer_list` and they support move semantics    // cf. hyper_array::array's constructors    // I might replace them with a "lighter" structure if it satisfies the above 2 requirements    const ::std::array<SizeType, Dimensions> dimensionLengths;  ///< number of elements in each dimension    const SizeType                           dataLength;        ///< total number of elements in [data](@ref data)    const ::std::array<SizeType, Dimensions> indexCoeffs;       ///< coefficients to use when computing the index                                                                ///< C_i = \prod_{j=i+1}^{n-2} L_j  if i in [0, n-2]                                                                ///<     | 1                        if i == n-1                                                                ///<                                                                ///< where n   : Dimensions - 1  (indices start from 0)                                                                ///<     | C_i : indexCoeffs[i]                                                                ///<     | L_j : dimensionLengths[j]                                                                ///< @see at()private:    /// handles the lifecycle of the dynamically allocated data array    /// The user doesn't need to access it directly    /// If the user needs access to the allocated array, they can use [data](@ref data) (constant pointer)    std::unique_ptr<ElementType[]> _dataOwner;public:    /// points to the allocated data array    ElementType* const                 data;    // </editor-fold>    // methods /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////public:    /// It doesn't make sense to create an array without specifying the dimension lengths    array()             = delete;    /// no copy-construction allowed (orca_array-like behavior)    array(const array&) = delete;    /// enable move construction    /// allows inclusion of hyper arrays in e.g. STL containers    array(array<ElementType, Dimensions>&& other)    : dimensionLengths (std::move(other.dimensionLengths))    , dataLength       {other.dataLength}    , indexCoeffs      (std::move(other.indexCoeffs))    , _dataOwner       {other._dataOwner.release()}   // ^_^    , data             {_dataOwner.get()}    {}    /// the usual way for constructing hyper arrays    template <typename... DimensionLengths>    array(DimensionLengths&&... dimensions)    : dimensionLengths{{static_cast<SizeType>(dimensions)...}}    , dataLength{internal::ct_accumulate(dimensionLengths,                                          0,                                          Dimensions,                                          static_cast<SizeType>(1),                                          internal::ct_prod<SizeType>)}    , indexCoeffs([this] {            ::std::array<SizeType, Dimensions> coeffs;            coeffs[Dimensions - 1] = 1;            for (SizeType i = 0; i < (Dimensions - 1); ++i)            {                coeffs[i] = internal::ct_accumulate(dimensionLengths,                                                    i + 1,                                                    Dimensions - i - 1,                                                    static_cast<SizeType>(1),                                                    internal::ct_prod<SizeType>);            }            return coeffs;  // hopefully, NRVO should kick in here      }())    #if (__cplusplus < 201402L)  // C++14 ?    , _dataOwner{new ElementType[dataLength]}  // std::make_unique() is not part of C++11 :(    #else    , _dataOwner{std::make_unique<ElementType[]>(dataLength)}    #endif    , data{_dataOwner.get()}    {        // compile-time input validation        // can't put them during dimensionLengths' initialization, so they're here now        static_assert(sizeof...(DimensionLengths) == Dimensions,"The number of dimension lengths must be the same as ""the array's number of dimensions (i.e. \"Dimentions\")");        static_assert(internal::are_integral<                          typename std::remove_reference<DimensionLengths>::type...>::value,"The dimension lengths must be of integral types");    }    /// Returns the length of a given dimension at run-time    SizeType length(const size_t dimensionIndex) const    {        #if HYPER_ARRAY_CONFIG_Check_Bounds        if (dimensionIndex >= Dimensions)        {            throw std::out_of_range("The dimension index must be within [0, Dimensions-1]");        }        #endif        return dimensionLengths[dimensionIndex];    }    /// Compile-time version of [length()](@ref length())    template <size_t DimensionIndex>    SizeType length() const    {        static_assert(DimensionIndex < Dimensions,"The dimension index must be within [0, Dimensions-1]");        return dimensionLengths[DimensionIndex];    }    /// Returns the element at the given index tuple    /// Usage:    /// @code    ///     hyper_array::array<double, 3> arr(4, 5, 6);    ///     arr.at(3, 1, 4) = 3.14;    /// @endcode    template<typename... Indices>    ElementType& at(Indices&&... indices)    {        return data[rawIndex(std::forward<Indices>(indices)...)];    }    /// `const` version of [at()](@ref at())    template<typename... Indices>    const ElementType& at(Indices&&... indices) const    {        return data[rawIndex(std::forward<Indices>(indices)...)];    }    /// Returns the actual index of the element in the [data](@ref data) array    /// Usage:    /// @code    ///     hyper_array::array<int, 3> arr(4, 5, 6);    ///     assert(&arr.at(3, 1, 4) == &arr.data[arr.rawIndex(3, 1, 4)]);    /// @endcode    template<typename... Indices>    IndexType rawIndex(Indices&&... indices) const    {        #if HYPER_ARRAY_CONFIG_Check_Bounds        return rawIndex_noChecks(validateIndexRanges(std::forward<Indices>(indices)...));        #else        return rawIndex_noChecks({static_cast<IndexType>(indices)...});        #endif    }private:    #if HYPER_ARRAY_CONFIG_Check_Bounds    template<typename... Indices>    ::std::array<IndexType, Dimensions> validateIndexRanges(Indices&&... indices) const    {        // compile-time input validation        static_assert(sizeof...(Indices) == Dimensions,"The number of indices must be the same as ""the array's number of dimensions (i.e. \"Dimentions\")");        static_assert(internal::are_integral<                          typename std::remove_reference<Indices>::type...>::value,"The indices must be of integral types");        // runtime input validation        ::std::array<IndexType, Dimensions> indexArray = {{static_cast<IndexType>(indices)...}};        // check all indices and prepare an exhaustive report (in oss)        // if some of them are out of bounds        std::ostringstream oss;        for (size_t i = 0; i < Dimensions; ++i)        {            if ((indexArray[i] >= dimensionLengths[i]) || (indexArray[i] < 0))            {                oss << "Index #"<< i << " [== "<< indexArray[i] << "]"<< " is out of the [0, "<< (dimensionLengths[i]-1) << "] range. ";            }        }        // if nothing has been written to oss then all indices are valid        if (oss.str().empty())        {            return indexArray;        }        else        {            throw std::out_of_range(oss.str());        }    }    #endif    IndexType rawIndex_noChecks(::std::array<IndexType, Dimensions>&& indexArray) const    {        // I_{actual} = \sum_{i=0}^{N-1} {C_i \cdot I_i}        //        // where I_{actual} : actual index of the data in the data array        //       N          : Dimensions        //       C_i        : indexCoeffs[i]        //       I_i        : indexArray[i]        return internal::ct_inner_product(indexCoeffs, 0,                                          indexArray, 0,                                          Dimensions,                                          static_cast<IndexType>(0),                                          internal::ct_plus<IndexType>,                                          internal::ct_prod<IndexType>);    }};// <editor-fold desc="orca_array-like declarations">template<typename ElementType> using array1d = array<ElementType, 1>;template<typename ElementType> using array2d = array<ElementType, 2>;template<typename ElementType> using array3d = array<ElementType, 3>;template<typename ElementType> using array4d = array<ElementType, 4>;template<typename ElementType> using array5d = array<ElementType, 5>;template<typename ElementType> using array6d = array<ElementType, 6>;template<typename ElementType> using array7d = array<ElementType, 7>;// </editor-fold>}#if HYPER_ARRAY_CONFIG_Overload_Stream_Operator/// Pretty printing to STL streams/// Should print something like/// @code///     [Dimensions:1];[dimensionLengths: 5 ];[dataLength:5];[indexCoeffs: 1 ];[data: 0 1 2 3 4 ]/// @endcodetemplate <typename T, size_t D>std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const hyper_array::array<T, D>& ha){    out << "[Dimensions:"<< ha.dimensions << "]";    out << ";[dimensionLengths: ";    for (auto& dl : ha.dimensionLengths)    {        out << dl << "";    }    out << "]";    out << ";[dataLength:"<< ha.dataLength << "]";    out << ";[indexCoeffs: ";    for (auto& ic : ha.indexCoeffs)    {        out << ic << "";    }    out << "]";    out << ";[data: ";    for (typename hyper_array::array<T, D>::IndexType i = 0; i < ha.dataLength; ++i)    {        out << ha.data[i] << "";    }    out << "]";    return out;}#endif

Test program

// g++ -std=c++11 -std=c++11 -fdiagnostics-show-option -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -Werror -Wconversion hyper_array_playground.cpp -o hyper_array_playground#include <iostream>#include <vector>#include "hyper_array/hyper_array.hpp"using namespace std;int main(){    // 3d array    {        hyper_array::array3d<double> a{2, 3, 4};        int c = 0;        for (size_t i = 0; i < a.length<0>(); ++i)          // hyper_array        {                                                   // should            for (size_t j = 0; j < a.length<1>(); ++j)      // probably            {                                               // implement                for (size_t k = 0; k < a.length<2>(); ++k)  // some                {                                           // kind                    a.at(i, j, k) = c++;                    // of                }                                           // iterator            }                                               // to prevent        }                                                   // so much typing        cout << a << endl;        cout << "(a.length(1) == a.length<1>()): "<< (a.length(1) == a.length<1>()) << endl;    }    // 1D array    {        hyper_array::array1d<double> a{5};        int         c = 0;        for (size_t i = 0; i < a.length<0>(); ++i)        {            a.at(i) = c++;        }        cout << a << endl;    }    // size w.r.t. std::array    {        constexpr size_t elementCount = 10;        hyper_array::array1d<double> aa{hyper_array::array1d<double>{elementCount}};        // 40 bytes bigger than std::array...        cout << "sizeof(aa):         "<< (sizeof(aa) + (elementCount*sizeof(double))) << endl;        cout << "sizeof(std::array): "<< sizeof(std::array<double, elementCount>) << endl;    }    // in STL containers (e.g. std::vector)    {        vector<hyper_array::array2d<double>> v;        v.emplace_back(hyper_array::array2d<double>{1,2});        v.push_back(hyper_array::array2d<double>{2,1});    }    cout << "done"<< endl;}

New versions of hyper_array can now be found on Github.

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